Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
mmm-content-parser-api This is the API of the search parsers.
mmm-content-parser-impl-xml This is the search parser for files of the mimetype "text/xml".
mmm-content-parser-impl-html Content parser for files of the mimetype "text/html".
mmm-content-parser-impl-pdf Content parser for files of the mimetype "application/pdf".
mmm-content-parser-impl-poi Content parsers for MS office documents using apache POI.
mmm-content-parser-impl-opendoc Content parsers for open-document files (mimetypes "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.*").
mmm-content-parser-impl-generic Generic content parser used as fallback if no specific parser is available.
mmm-content-parser-impl-text This is the search parser for files of the mimetype "text/plain".
mmm-content-parser-impl-java Content parser for files of the mimetype "text/java-source".
mmm-content-parser-service This project provides the actual service for content-parsers.